C magazine

Fueling up

Woman checking fuel tank for contaminants

来自commark Energy Coop的认证皇冠hga010安卓二维码专家Abbey Heenan帮助生产商维护他们的油箱.

Aug 22, 2019

当堪萨斯州农民基普·史密斯得知他信赖的2005年多功能四轮铰接式拖拉机的燃油喷油器坏了, he immediately knew the culprit: water in the fuel.

To find the source, 他求助于mark Energy Coop的认证皇冠hga010安卓二维码专家Abbey Heenan, 为格达斯普林斯的两河合作社提供服务, Kan.

“艾比从我们的油箱里提取了样本,发现油箱里有水. 她确保水箱被清洗干净,我们知道如何防止水再次进入,” says Smith. “Our entire operation runs on diesel engines. 我们必须确保我们使用的燃料是最好的,并且储存正确.”

Producers talking with a certified energy specialist 
Kansas producers Kyle, left, 和基普·史密斯与艾比·希南谈论他们4的油箱选择,000-acre operation.

Is Your Tank Working for You?


使用Cenex自动燃料输送(AFD)系统,记住填充散装油箱并不需要有压力. 当燃油低于预定水平时,油箱上的电子燃油传感器会发出信号, 自动提醒您的配送中心,是时候补充了.

各种燃料可以通过该计划交付,包括Cenex®优质柴油燃料. 油箱液位、燃料使用和运输都可以在线监控. With the monthly pricing option, 成本设定为在计费周期内30天的平均燃料价格, helping to protect you from market swings. 监控系统会计算使用的燃料量,并根据这个量给你发账单.

If more on-farm storage makes sense for your operation, upgrade tank size through Storage for Pennies, 一个租赁到拥有的散装燃料储存计划CHS官员到当地合作社. The price of the tank is figured into your fuel costs, 在三到五年内转化为全油箱所有权.

LEARN MORE by contacting your local cooperative

Storage Decisions

In addition to cleaning the tank, 这是一个评估史密斯家庭农场储存的好机会, the 4,000-acre operation Kip owns with his brother, Kyle.

Working with Heenan, Smith determined their wheat, corn, soybean and sorghum operation uses 18,每年000加仑的Cenex®Ruby Fieldmaster®优质柴油燃料为农场设备提供动力. That volume meant their 1,在种植和收获季节,一个1000加仑的水箱每周要加好几次油. 把油箱的尺寸调整到2000加仑,这让兄弟俩有更多的燃料可供使用. “当我们需要去球场的时候,我们需要尽快去做. We can’t be sitting around waiting on fuel,” says Smith.

To decrease fuel wait times even more, the brothers used their smaller 1,000加仑油箱容纳Cenex Roadmaster XL®优质柴油燃料为他们的三辆半挂车和皮卡车. 在现场安装储罐可以避免不方便的进城旅行,从而节省停机时间.

“Before, we’d take a 30-minute trip to town to fill up our semis, which had to be done before the trucks were loaded,” says Smith. Rather than face a major burden during harvest, 现在,史密斯一家可以根据需要给半挂车和卡车加满油,而不用事先做什么计划.

Supply Confidence

兄弟俩还使用了Cenex自动燃料输送(AFD)系统,确保他们在需要的时候有所需的燃料. 一个油箱传感器可以让AFD系统知道Ruby Fieldmaster油箱何时不足,并安排燃料输送. “AFD gives us peace of mind, knowing we’ll have the fuel we need on hand, even during our busy seasons,” says Smith.

Now that the brothers have two tanks, 他们每年更换燃油滤清器,并定期检测油箱里的水,以尽可能保持汽车的健康. 他们还与Heenan合作,为两个储罐升级到更快的泵. “We were pumping 5 gallons per minute; now it’s so much faster.”

Cenex优质柴油燃料中使用的配方也有助于控制燃料中的水分. 在Ruby Fieldmaster和Roadmaster XL中发现的破乳剂添加剂通过将水从燃料中分离出来并将水滴到底部,有助于防止水分进入燃料系统. 这样可以防止湿气进入燃烧室,减少过滤器堵塞.

史密斯说:“加上停机时间,发动机维修的费用可能高达5万美元。. “We can’t have that happen, 因此,我们使用一种带有完整添加剂包的燃料来保护我们的设备.”

Keep Your Fuel Tank Healthy

散装油箱保养不当会导致燃油被污物污染, water and other contaminants. 这可能会损害设备性能,并导致昂贵的维修费用. 以下是如何保持你的油箱健康,使你的燃料发挥最佳作用.

Bulk fuel tank