

Farmer Joe Ridl putting diesel fuel in a piece of machinery.

As a trained mechanic, Joe Ridl knows quality when he sees it. 他家族的柴油卡车车队, 拖拉机, loaders 和 more puts fuel to the test on their 10,000英亩的牛和农作物经营.


作者:Megan Gosch

老牛奶房和广阔的田野仍然在那里,但别搞错了:你会在迪金森找到Ridl的运营, N.D., today looks much different than it did a century ago — 和 for good reason.

The Ridl family doesn’t shy away from change.

从20世纪20年代末开始的一个小型奶牛场和养猪场,已经转变为一个跨越10年的多样化作物和畜牧业经营,000英亩. A future-focused approach is key to the operation’s longst和ing success.

“With how quickly our world 和 our industry is changing, you won’t be in business long if you’re afraid to adapt,阿特·里德尔说, 他是第三代制片人,和他的兄弟一起接管了家族生意, 库尔特, 在20世纪80年代. “My dad 和 gr和father built a solid foundation for our operation, but the changes we’ve made along the way are helping us grow today.”

这些天, 你会发现荷斯坦阉牛和近250头登记在册的安格斯奶牛,那里曾经是奶牛的牧场. 亚麻英亩数, 燕麦, 油菜, soybeans 和 crambe have been replaced by spring wheat, 麦芽大麦, 玉米, 向日葵和干草.

当他的儿子, 乔和罗斯蒂, were old enough to help run the operation, Ridl利用新一代的技术专长,将数据驱动的解决方案引入到作业中, from high-performance seed to the DNA profiles provided with each bull sold.

他说:“我们一直在试验和尝试新事物,以保持领先几步。. “我们必须保持积极主动,以确保我们能找到让我们继续前进的机会.”

Staying on track with Cenex premium diesel


“We’ve used Cenex premium diesel as far back as I can remember,里德尔说。, but he’s quick to note that history doesn’t drive his purchase decisions. 对里德尔来说,表现是最重要的.




第一层: 新越野柴油发动机的第一个联邦标准于1994年通过,并于1996年至2000年逐步实施.


第二层 regulations restrict sulfur in refined fuels.

第三层 法规规定了从2017年开始的新的尾气排放和蒸发排放标准, 加上新的燃油标准.


第四层 标准要求使用先进的废气后处理系统等技术,将颗粒物(PM)和一氧化二氮(NOx)的排放量减少约90%.


The California Air 澳门皇冠赌场平台 Board holds its first public workshop on 第五层 排放标准,以便在2028-2030年之前进一步减少50%至90%的PM和NOx排放.


环保局制定了最终规则 第五层 制订废气排放标准,进一步减少重型车辆及引擎对空气的污染, 适用于2027年型号的发动机.

“We can’t keep our operation on track without equipment that’s ready to go, 当表演的时候, Cenex优质柴油从未让我们失望,他说. “当你日复一日地看到稳定的表现,没有任何问题,这就说明了一切. 这就是我需要的品质.”

Ridl使用Cenex Roadmaster XL®优质柴油燃料为他的卡车车队提供动力,使用Cenex Ruby Fieldmaster®优质柴油来运行他的拖拉机, 挖土机的牌子, skid-steer loader 和 forage grinder-mixer. 在寒冷的天气里,他依靠Cenex Wintermaster®优质柴油来保持设备移动.

Joe Ridl是一名训练有素的机械师,当需要调试时,他可以很容易地发现有问题的产品, 他爸爸说. They see return on their fuel investment firsth和 when it comes to maintenance.

“We’re always open to trying something new if it could be a benefit, but we love how these fuels st和 up to dirt 和 combat normal wear 和 tear,里德尔说. “它在现场和维护方面为我们带来了回报,我们不必担心.”


就像里德尔一家, Cenex优质柴油背后的技术专家对创新并不陌生.

As farming operations work to keep pace with technologies, policies 和 advances shaping the future of ag, Cenex品牌专家正在开发优质柴油燃料,以满足当今生产商的需求,并为未来的农场提供燃料.

去年秋天, 经过14个多月的研究, 发展, 测试和分析, the CHS energy team released the next generation of Cenex premium diesel fuels. 改进的配方包括一个添加剂包设计,不仅提高功率, performance 和 engine protection in on-road 和 off-road equipment, but also to anticipate 和 meet the challenges of future engine technology.

“It’s been 10 years since we updated our comprehensive additive package,Erin Wroge说, senior product manager for refined fuels at CHS. 在那段时间里, 我们已经看到了柴油发动机技术的发展,以满足不断变化的标准,提供更好的燃油经济性和减少排放.”

自上一代Cenex优质柴油于2012年推出以来,美国的柴油价格一直在上涨.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rolled out 第四层 emission st和ards, 和 engine technology adapted to follow suit. 实施新发布的第五层标准的政策讨论已经在进行中. 更新的Cenex优质柴油配方在设计时考虑了更严格的排放法规,以确保用户在新标准生效时做好准备.

“这是一个在业内领先的机会,并在Cenex优质柴油提供的卓越性能的基础上继续发展,Wroge说。. “我们知道一个主要的重点将是降低排放,我们在这个更新的公式中积极地计划了这一点, but we’ve also taken the opportunity to increase fuel efficiency, 提高性能,帮助用户最大限度地利用他们的设备和燃料投资.”

艺术Ridl, 左, 和他的儿子乔, 正确的, work with their local Certified Energy Specialist Jared Bookhardt, center, to secure fuel to power their diverse operation. “The operation 和 its equipment have evolved, 但Cenex®燃料一直保持同步,布克哈特说。. “That’s a constant that continues to deliver.”


The optimized formula features four key enhancements, including,

  • 一个先进的侵略性清洁包,更好的整体发动机健康和更清洁的环境,高效消费
  • 一个两阶段的总水澳门皇冠赌场平台系统,防止水和污染物进入储罐和燃料系统
  • maximum filterability 和 improved biostability
  • a balanced, complete fuel burn for excellent fuel economy

With these enhancements working together, ultra-clean injectors 和 cylinders make better use of fuel, 对废气后处理系统的压力更小,需要更少的再生. 当燃料保持清洁时, 它有效地流过所有组件,以实现更平衡的燃烧并减少停机时间.

“The success of our customers is the heartbeat of everything we do,Wroge说。. “Equipment doesn’t do them any good if it’s not up 和 running. This enhanced formula arms customers with the protection, power 和 precision they need for the tough jobs they carry out each day, keeping them off the sidelines 和 on the move.”

Enhanced fuel formula helps minimize downtime

的新增强公式 Cenex Roadmaster XL®Cenex®Ruby Fieldmaster® 优质柴油燃料有九个综合的好处,以保持发动机运行更清洁, 更长更强. 方法如下:

  1. 先进的强力清洗剂套装 分解有害的发动机沉积物, 清理并清除注入器沉积物, 提高燃油经济性.
  2. 两相全水澳门皇冠赌场平台系统 从燃料中分离水, allowing gravity to pull water to tank bottoms for easy drainage, then encapsulates remaining negligible water for safe passage.
  3. Maximum filterability 和 enhanced biostability protects equipment from contaminants to extend fuel storage life, 减少燃料降解, 保持喷油器和油泵畅通, 最大限度地提高燃油效率.
  4. Reduced exhaust cylinder temperature deviations optimizes fuel burn evenly across all cylinders for complete combustion, 产生的烟尘更少, 延长发动机寿命, 导致更少的再生和最大限度地减少磨损废气后处理系统.
  5. 喷射和燃烧优化 prevents coking 和 internal diesel injector deposits, while reducing filter 和 injector repairs 和 replacement.
  6. 贮存稳定性 减少树胶和清漆积聚,并保持燃料的完整性,以优化可燃性.
  7. 腐蚀保护 防止生锈, 腐蚀和腐蚀引起的泄漏, while slowing natural diesel fuel degradation from oxygen exposure. 
  8. 改善润滑 provides 10-15% more lubricity 和 protects injectors 和 fuel pumps from wear. 
  9. 十六烷值高 改善寒冷天气的开始, generates fewer emissions 和 fewer regenerations, 和 reduces wear 和 tear on the exhaust after-treatment system.  

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